Liar Game 2

my super favourite drama Liar Game Seasons 2 is OUT !!!!!
if u watched the first seasons before
i am sure this will be a super good news to you
because this drama is seriously interesting
this time the drama becomes one hour per ep
but it still make you so kan chiong from the beginning until the end

i watched the first ep yesterday night
and ended up thinking about the trick behind the game whole night =="

this is a drama which needs your brain to think =)
Akiyama is soooo smart
and makes me feel so stupid like naoki...

but honestly
if i were to join this game
i think i could do well
even though i am stupid
coz i am quite good in lying (?)

a very bad thing is that
the final ep will be the movie
i am not in Japan leh
how to watch the movie

btw i decided not to go to the tutorial today
dont ask me why.