the reasons why i can be a lawyer

1. i am very good at 'talking'

2. i am very sarcastic to everyone all the time

3. i am a very strong girl who never ever cry in front of anyone except me and myself (and maybe my sister...)

the main reason i can be a lawyer is:

---》 i can still smile and laugh and study and play, even though everyone seems to think that i am a really BAD person

i am all fine with the fact of being a BITCH and all...

because i believe that those who REALLY understand and know me will never agree with that ^^


Mel said...
Tue Oct 14, 03:29:00 am

Well, we could be having the same problem here!!

samantha said...
Thu Oct 16, 03:58:00 pm

jia you!! Gambate!! "Jiayou in Korean"!! Hehe.

I agree. People who REALLY know you won't be fooled. And I think a lot of people REALLY know you lor.. just not in that place nia. =__=

Come visit me soon!!! Hehe.